Wednesday 2 March 2016

A Swarm of Drone 'Lightning Bugs' Swirl Overhead

A swarm of dazzling drones lit up the sky and swirled around in a twinkling, orchestrated dance at a TED2016 conference in February.

The drones, which weigh no more than a slice of bread, were just part of a menagerie of futuristic flyers whose "aim is to push the boundary of what can be achieved with autonomous flight," Raffaello D'Andrea, a professor of dynamic systems and controls at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, said in his talk.

The new cadre of autonomous flyers are poised to take flight for inspection, environmental monitoring, journalism, photography and film, not to mention commercial package delivery.

Electrifying Drone Race Tests Pilots' Sky-High Skills

The buzz of the engine roars as a vehicle launches from its start position, accelerates to high speeds and then banks hard around a corner. This may sound like your typical NASCAR event, but this thrilling race actually takes place on a different course — one that's high in the sky.


The Drone Racing League's semifinals for its first race of the season took place yesterday (Feb. 29) in Miami, where drone pilots from around the world gathered to test their chops on an aerial course that includes navigating tight turns, manoeuvring through glowing gates and dodging objects throughout the stadium.

Racing at speeds that exceed 80 miles per hour (129 km/h) at times, the skilled pilots don first-person view (FPV) goggles (that show a video feed of what the drones are seeing) to race custom-built drones through a course that weaves in and out of Sun Life Stadium, home of the NFL's Miami Dolphins.

Eight pilots racaed in yesterday's semifinals, a field narrowed from the 12 competitors who took part in the first round. The racecourse required pilots to navigate around the stadium, zooming around bleachers, through concession areas, up a spiraling staircase, and then back around the bleachers again, according to a Drone Racing League (DRL) video about the event.

Each of the pilots raced with a custom-built DRL Racer2 drone that has a carbon-fiber frame to protect electronic and camera components, according to the DRL. The drones were also equipped with ultrabright LED lights to make them easy to identify on the racecourse. When pilots put on their flight goggles, they were able to see a video feed from a camera attached to the drone that helps them direct their machine through the course with handheld controllers, according to the league's website.


After yesterday's race, only the four highest-scoring pilots will continue on to the final round. To obtain the highest score, a pilot needed to pass through two checkpoints and cross the finish line in less than 2 minutes, according to DRL officials. The faster a drone flew through the course, the more points the pilot was awarded.

The Drone Racing League's scoring system awards each pilot 50 points for each checkpoint his or her drone passes and for crossing the finish line, according to league officials. In addition, each pilot is awarded 10 points for every second under the 2-minute time cap he or she posts as a final time, DRL officials added.

Sunday 28 February 2016

HoloLens 'Teleports' NASA Scientist to Mars in TED Talk Demo

Something amazing happened at the TED2016 conference today: Holo Lens developer Alex Kipman "teleported" a NASA scientist onto the stage, on the surface of Mars.

Jeff Norris of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory was physically across the street from the auditorium in Vancouver, Canada, but with the Holo Lens cameras, a hologram of him (a three-dimensional, talking hologram, which is made entirely of light) was beamed onto the stage where a virtual Mars surface was waiting.

4K Blu-ray

To go with those 4K televisions, manufacturers will soon be releasing 4K Blu-ray players.

Samsung, pictured, and Philips were two of the major companies to announce devices at CES. Samsung is aiming for a March release but has not disclosed a price, while Philips' player is expected to cost under $400.

Film studios also used CES to announce products, with Warner Bros. saying it will release 35 4K Blu-ray movies this year, including Mad Max: Fury Road and The Lego Movie.

Droppler! ​

Startups are becoming a bigger part of CES every year.
Eureka Park, a  section devoted to small businesses, has grown every year its inception in 2012. This year it hosted 500 exhibitors, up from 375 last year.
The ideas span a wide range, from retina-reading luggage to coffeemakers that can print photos into the foam at the top of the cup.
One unique idea is Droppler, from California's Nascent Objects, which measures water consumption by listening to how much noise a household's taps make. The $100 US device then syncs with an app, where users can see exactly how much water they're using.

"You/we'd be surprised how much people lower their consumption once they can actually visualize it," says company founder Babak Elmieh

HTC Vive Pre

Virtual reality was the biggest news at this year's CES, with companies touting numerous headsets, controllers and applications.
Taiwan's HTC is one of the companies leading the charge with its second-generation Vive Pre headset, which is more compact and comfortable and features improved lenses, as well as refined handheld controllers.
The Vive Pre also has a front-facing camera for detecting its wearer's surroundings and keeping him or her from walking into things. It's a mind-blowing experience, but it still needs a high-powered computer to work.

HTC will start taking pre-orders in February with an expected ship date in April, although the company has not yet announced the price. San Francisco-based Oculus, its main competitor, plans to sell its Rift headset for $599 US later in 2016.

New Virtual Reality Suit Lets You Reach Out & Touch 'Environment'

Virtual reality could one day incorporate all the senses, creating a rich and immersive experience, but existing virtual reality headsets only simulate things you can see and hear. But now, a group of engineers wants to help people "touch" virtual environments in a more natural way, and they built a wearable suit to do just that.

Designed by Lucian Copeland, Morgan Sink and Jordan Brooks while they were students at the University of Rochester, in New York, the suit looks something like a bulletproof vest or light armour. Each section of the suit has a small motor in it, not unlike the one that makes a mobile phone vibrate to signal incoming messages. In addition, there are small accelerometers embedded in the suit's arms.

The vibrations provide a sense of touch when a virtual object hits that part of the body, and the accelerometers help orient the suit's limbs in space, the researchers said.

When the suit is connected via a cable to a computer, it links to a virtual reality (VR) headset, such as the Oculus Rift or HTC's Vive. The suit also shares data with a motion-tracking system — the current version connects to a Microsoft Kinect, but any system will do, according to Copeland.

The combination of motion-tracking and accelerometers means that it doesn't matter if your arm is out of view of the camera because the program generating the virtual environment will "know" where your hand is and can calculate where it is most likely to be, based on how long your arm is and what the accelerometer tells the device about how your hand is moving.

With that information, a virtual environment can show a tree branch, for example, and tell the suit to vibrate in the spot where it would touch if it were hitting your side or if you were touching it with your hand, the researchers said. It can also set up virtual walls that you could feel. This way, when you are walking around in your virtual environment, you won't accidently bump into a real wall or trip over your coffee table.

"The real issue is when you use controllers to move in a virtual reality space — it doesn't correlate to movement," Copeland told Live Science. "The tracking component lets you get out of the chair and walk around."

Saturday 27 February 2016

NetSpot, The Free Wi-Fi Mapping And Troubleshooting App, Comes To Windows

Windows: Net-spot is an amazing OS X utility for mapping out Wi-Fi networks, finding spots of poor reception, and troubleshooting how to fix them, and now it's available for Windows. Best of all, it's still completely free.

Like the Mac version, Net-spot for Windows lets you see all SSID in your vicinity, their operating channels, which ones are interfering with one another, and more. You can list off all of the networks in your vicinity, and use the tool's mapping feature to lay out where the access points are located relative to your current position. The built-in channel and strength analyser can run in the background, so you can map out reception as you move around your house. Net-spot also builds a live heat-map of your signal strength, so you know where you should position your access points or routers for best reception where you want to work (or where you should put your desk for the best reception.)
The Windows version is missing a few features though, like the ability to create multiple snapshots and zones per survey project, but they're coming soon. Net-spot supports Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Gmail For Android Gets Rich Text Formatting And Instant Calendar RSVPs

Ever wish you could format your email on the go with more than just plain text? Good news: Google has updated Gmail so you can now use rich text formatting such as bold or colored text. You can also quickly respond to calendar invites with a tap.
To format text in your email, select it and tap the new "format" option, which opens a formatting menu as shown above.
The new instant RSVPs feature also seems handy. Once you get a calendar invitation from Google Calendar or Microsoft Exchange, Gmail will show you your schedule so you'll know if you can fit it in and then tap to respond.
I'm not seeing these new features in Gmail for Android yet, but these welcome additions should be on your phone soon.

Spark Arrives On IPad, Gets New Color Options On IPhone

The big news is the iPad version. As you'd expect, Spark for iPad takes advantage of the screen real estate and features a nice, two-panel view for browsing your mail. The iPad version comes alongside a bit of a new look for the iPhone too. You can now chose between three color options for Spark to customize it it to suit your needs. The update brings in sync so you can get your data in line between your iPad and iPhone (and Apple Watch), as well as support for a bunch of new languages, including German, Russian, Spanish, and more.

Inbox By Gmail Adds More Snooze Options, Including Custom Weekend Settings.

For procrastinators and focused email inbox managers alike, snooze is a great feature. Google's Inbox has added new options for its snooze feature so you can more precisely put off dealing with certain emails.
You can now snooze an email until "later this week" or "this weekend." Both will show you the day and time the email will resurface in your inbox.
You can also choose which days constitute the weekend for you. These include your typical "Saturday to Sunday" option, as well as "Thursday to Friday" if you're on a different weekend schedule.
The snooze update makes Inbox work a bit more like the now-defunct Mailbox app and gives you a little more flexibility for postponing emails.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Robots on the Run! 5 Bots That Can Really Move

Earlier this month, the Google-owned robotics company Boston Dynamics released a video of its humanoid robot running through a forest. The RoboCop-type bot, named Atlas, freaked out some people, but the footage also had some tech geeks cheering.
A bot that can run over rough, outdoor terrain is a big deal in robotics, a field in which researchers are constantly working to develop machines capable of moving around outside the lab. Boston Dynamics has a handful of bots that run just as well as Atlas, and researchers from other institutions are also building machines that can ramble about in the real world.

From fish-inspired bots that can swim under ships, to caninelike machines that can gallop up hills, here are five of the coolest, most capable robots out there.

1. Atlas unleashed


With their heavy torsos and skinny legs, two-legged robots are kind of clumsy. If you need proof, check out the blooper reel from this year's DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), a humanoid-robot competition hosted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

The Atlas robot was used by several of the finalists who competed in the DRC in June, including the Florida-based team that came in second place and the sixth place team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Though Atlas is a pretty good runner, the bot has room for improvement, according to Marc Raibert, Boston Dynamics' founder and a former professor at MIT and Carnegie Mellon University. (CMU).

In the video of Atlas running through the woods, Raibert said that Boston Dynamics engineers are working on getting Atlas off its tether, which connects the bot to the power source that keeps its hydraulic system pumping (and the bot moving). The bot's other power source — a lightweight, lithium-ion battery pack — currently lasts only for about an hour.

2. Snakes on an (inclined) plain


To build robots capable of sliding into small spaces and slithering over rocky terrain, researchers at CMU turned to snakes for inspiration.
The modular snake robots created by CMU researchers can move their bodies in ways that humanoid robots would find troublesome. They crawl, they climb and some can even swim. But there was one thing that "snake bots" couldn't do very well until recently: climb up sandy slopes.

In 2014, a team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology teamed up with the Robotics Institute at CMU to study a creature that is very good at navigating sandy hills
 — the sidewinder rattlesnake  — and apply what they learned to CMU's modular robots. This collaboration resulted in a snake bot that can slither over sand just as well as it can move across dirt. The new-and-improved bot is now an even more promising robot for future search-and-rescue missions.

3. Man's best robot friend

There are a lot of robots out there that could pass as pets, but how about a giant, 160-lb. (73 kilograms) mechanical dog? That's how much Spot, Boston Dynamics' newest, canine-inspired robot weighs.Introduced earlier this year, Spot can jog up and down hills, navigate through trees and keep its footing on uneven terrain.


And the robot has siblings. Spot's oldest brother, BigDog, is huge, tipping scales at about 240 lbs. (109 kg). And another Boston Dynamics four-legged bot, the LS3 robot, is just as big as BigDog, but it's a bit faster and quieter, making it a better tool for soldiers and others who need discreet mechanical "pets" to carry their gear.

Development of the LS3 bot was funded by DARPA and the U.S. Marine Corps, and the robot has a few battle-friendly features. For one thing, the dog bot doesn't need a driver; it automatically follows its leader using an onboard computer vision system. Capable of hauling up to 400 lbs. (180 kg) at a time, this robot can also be sent into the field without an escort. LS3 finds its way using internal GPS and terrain-sensing technology.

4. Mechanical kitties


Speaking of pets, cat lovers needn't feel neglected by the apparent lack of feline-inspired robots; there are several catlike robots out there, and they all have special skills.

Boston Dynamics' Cheetah is the fasted legged robot in the world — it can run on a treadmill at speeds reaching 29 mph (47 km/h). This remotely powered bot has never proven itself outdoors. However, its slower cousin, Wild Cat, is capable of navigating outdoor terrain. Created for DARPA's Maximum Mobility Manipulation (M3) program, Wild Cat is designed to be agile and flexible, to help soldiers with a wide range of missions.

5. Futuristic fish

Another MIT robot made waves in 2014, after it demonstrated its swimming skills in an online video. Designed to swim just like a real fish, the autonomous bot is super flexible and fast, enabling it to turn on a dime. It's important for this robot to mimic a fish precisely because it was made to infiltrate schools of fish and collect environmental data that can be brought back to researchers.


Part of the robot fish's success is its soft body, which mimics the anatomy of a fine-boned fish. Other underwater bots, like Harvard University's octopus-inspired robots, take this design even further. Harvard's bots are made from stretchy plastics and rubbery silicone, and keep their shape thanks to compressed air that is pumped through their artificial limbs. The soft structure of "octobots" makes them well suited for swimming into small crevices.

Magnetic 'MoonWalker' Shoes Help You Defy Gravity

Have you ever fantasized about walking on the moon, but you don't want to put on a spacesuit and blast more than 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) through space? A New York-based startup plans to turn this lunar fantasy into a reality, and it could be as simple as putting on a pair of magnetic loafers.

Moonshine Crea, the company developing the out-of-this-world footwear, is strategically inserting superpowerful magnets at the base of its shoes to create a force field, leaving wearers light on their feet.

The shoe, named "20:16 Moon Walker," relies on N45 neodymium magnets, which are among the most powerful permanent magnets known. As permanent magnets, they create their own force field, without an external current, and work like refrigerator magnets.


"There are different levels of magnets, like N40, 42 and 45," said Patrick Jreijiri, a mechanical engineer and designer for the 20:16 MoonWalker. The neodymium magnets' strength level depends on their exact composition, which is primarily a mix of neodymium, iron and boron.

"N45 is stronger than the rest and still on the cheap side, which is why it was chosen. There are around 12 to 13 magnets on one layer that repel a mirror image of 12 to 13 magnets on another layer in each shoe. The repellant force comes from the orientation of the magnets, which are arranged so that their north poles align with each other.

The magnets range from 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 centimeters) in diameter. The 2-inch magnets are strong enough to move 27 lbs. (12 kilograms) of material, and the 1-inch magnets are capable of moving objects up to 55 lbs. (12 kg).

The magnets and resulting repulsion cover the entire area of the foot, so when a person is walking, he or she is pushing against the combined strength of the magnets.

"As you're walking, your foot will exert pressure on the magnets unequally. To remedy that, the bigger magnets are directly under the heel and ball of the foot to counteract the extra force placed on these parts when people walk. Furthermore, the space between the magnets creates a sort of cushion and adjusts to how a person walks.

The gap also means that an individual's weight won't be a factor in the sensation he or she will feel while wearing the Moon Walker shoes as long as the wearer is less than 403 lbs. (183 kg), at which point the magnets would collapse.

"The genius design in it is that it has a 6-millimeter [0.24 inches] gap between the magnets, and the closer the magnets come to each other, the more pull you will have  "So, if you're 60 kilograms [132 lbs.], you'll feel the same thing as if you are 180 kilograms [397 lbs.].

There's no such thing as too much "moonwalking" — the 2k16 Moon Walker is just like any shoe, but instead of using rubber or springs in the soles, it uses magnets. And the shoes are also lined with memory foam for extra comfort.

The outer layer of the shoe is made of gray and white synthetic fabric, and the inner layer of the shoe is a Du Pont Tyvek synthetic polyethylene, which, the company boasts, is the same material used by NASA on its space station modules.

The 20:16 Moon Walker shoes don't have the elasticity that would normally be lost in ordinary shoes after long time use. "The magnetic fields in the magnet are always there, so unless you take a saw and cut it in half, it should be working for a long time.

Moonshine Crea is raising money on the crowd funding site Indie gogo and plans to deliver its finalized product in September. The project has already amassed more than $141,000, which is more than seven times more than the company's initial goal of $20,000.

A Robot Salamander Swim and Walk.

A new salamander robot has been designed that can walk, swim and turn around corners.
The new salamander-inspired bot is helping scientists understand exactly how the spinal cord orchestrates movement.  

"We want to make spinal cord models and validate them on robots. Here we want to start simple," Auke Ijspeert, a roboticist at the the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, said in a recently published TED Talk.

The ultimate goal is to reveal how animals of different types, from primitive lampreys to cats and humans, modulate and control their movement, which could one day help spinal cord injury patients regain control of their lower limbs. 


Primitive walkers
To start out, the team decided to model salamanders. From an evolutionary point of view, salamanders are living fossils — quite close in their motion to the creatures that first stepped from the seas onto land. They also switch seamlessly between walking and swimming.

"It's a really key animal from an evolutionary point of view," Ijspeert said in the talk. "It makes a wonderful link between swimming, as you find it in eels or fish, and quadruped locomotion, as you see in mammals, in cats or humans."

In the water, salamanders undulate in what's called Anguilla swimming motion. This swimming motion is produced by a continuous wave of motion throughout the spinal cord. When the salamander is on land, it easily switches to a walking trot gait.

The researchers found that these two modes of motion are all orchestrated by the spinal cord. For instance, a decapitated salamander still produces a walking gait if the spinal trait is electrically stimulated. Stimulating the spinal cord more, as if "pressing a gas pedal," tells the headless salamander to switch to its swimming gait.

Recreating motion

To create the robot, the team first modeled the spinal cord circuits that seem to drive this motion. It turned out that a salamander has essentially kept the very primitive nerve circuits that drive motion in primitive fish such as lampreys, but had simply grafted on two extra neural circuits that control the front and back limbs.

Next, the team used an X-ray video machine to recreate the bone motion of salamanders as they walked and swam. They then identified the most important bones and simulated them in a physical robot. 

Amazingly, the robot salamander recreated the walking and swimming gaits almost perfectly, with the spinal cord circuit controlling whether the robot salamander swam or walked. (The robot had to don a "wet suit" to get into the pool.) The team could even get the salamander to turn, simply by stimulating one side of the spinal cord more than the other.
The findings reveal just how well the spinal cord seems to control movement, which seems to be similar even in humans.
"The brain doesn't have to worry about every muscle, it just has to worry about this high-level modulation and it's really the job of the spinal cord to coordinate all the muscles,"

'MyShake' App Turns Your Smartphone into Earthquake Detector

Seismologists and app developers are shaking things up with a new app that transforms smartphones into personal earthquake detectors.
By tapping into a smartphone's accelerometer
— the motion-detection instrument 
—the free Android app, called My Shake, can pick up and interpret nearby quake activity, estimating the earthquake's location and magnitude in real-time, and then relaying the information to a central database for seismologists to analyse.
In time, an established network of users could enable My Shake to be used as an early- warning system, the researchers said.


Crowd sourcing Quakes

Seismic networks worldwide detect earthquakes and convey quake data to scientists around the clock, providing a global picture of the tremors that are part of Earth's ongoing dynamic processes. But there are areas where the network is thin, which means researchers are missing pieces in the seismic puzzle. However, "citizen- scientists" with smartphones could fill those gaps, according to Richard Allen, leader of the My Shake project and director of the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory in California.

"As smartphones became more popular and it became easier to write software that would run on smartphones, we realized that we had the potential to use the accelerometer that runs in every smartphone to record earthquakes.

How it works

Accelerometers measure forces related to acceleration: vibration, tilt and movement, and also the static force of gravity's pull. In smartphones, accelerometers detect changes in the device's orientation, allowing the phone to know exactly which end is up and to adjust visual displays to correspond to the direction it's facing.

Fitness apps for smartphones use accelerometers to pinpoint specific changes in motion in order to calculate the number of steps you take, for example. And the My Shake app is designed to recognize when a smartphone's accelerometer picks up the signature shaking of an earthquake, Allen said, which is different from other types of vibrating motion, or "everyday shaking."

In fact, the earthquake-detection engine in My Shake is designed to recognize an earthquake's vibration profile much like a fitness app recognizes steps.
"It's about looking at the amplitude and the frequency content of the earthquake."and it's quite different from the amplitude and frequency content of most everyday shakes. It's very low-frequency energy and the amplitude is not as big as the amplitude for most everyday activities."

In other words, the difference between the highs and lows of the motion generated by an earthquake are smaller than the range you'd find in other types of daily movement.

Quake, rattle and roll

When a smartphone's My Shake app detects an earthquake, it instantly sends an alert to a central processing site. A network detection algorithm is activated by incoming data from multiple phones in the same area, to "declare" an earthquake, identify its location and estimate its magnitude.

For now, the app will only collect and transmit data to the central processor. But the end goal, is for future versions of the app to send warnings back to individual users.

An iPhone version of the app will also be included in future plans for My Shake, according to Allen.For seismologists, the more data they can gather about earthquakes, the better. A bigger data pool means an improved understanding of quake behaviour, which could help experts design better early warning systems and safety protocols, things that are especially critical in urban areas prone to frequent quake activity. With 2.6 billion smartphones currently in circulation worldwide and an anticipated 6 billion by 2020, according to an Ericsson Mobility Report released in 2015, a global network of handheld seismic detectors could go a long way toward keeping people safe by improving quake preparation and response.

The findings were published online today (Feb. 12) in the journal Science Advances, and the My Shake app is available for download at

The Human Brain's Memory Could Store the Entire Internet

The human brain may be able to hold as much information in its memory as is contained on the entire Internet, new research suggests.
Researchers discovered that, unlike a classical computer that codes information as 0s and 1s, a brain cell uses 26 different ways to code its "bits." They calculated that the brain could store 1 petabyte (or a quadrillion bytes) of information.

"This is a real bombshell in the field of neuroscience," Terry Sejnowski, a biologist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, said in a statement. "Our new measurements of the brain’s memory capacity increase conservative estimates by a factor of 10."


Amazing computer

What's more, the human brain can store this mind-boggling amount of information while sipping just enough power to run a dim light bulb.

By contrast, a computer with the same memory and processing power would require 1 gigawatt of power, or "basically a whole nuclear power station to run one computer that does what our 'computer' does with 20 watts," said study co-author Tom Bartol, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute.

In particular, the team wanted to take a closer look at the hippocampus, a brain region that plays a key role in learning and short-term memory.

To untangle the mysteries of the mind, the research team took a teensy slice of a rat's hippocampus, placed it in embalming fluid, then sliced it thinly with an extremely sharp diamond knife, a process akin to "slicing an orange," Bartol said. (Though a rat's brain is not identical to a human brain, the basic anatomical features and function of synapses are very similar across all mammals.) The team then embedded the thin tissue into plastic, looked at it under a microscope and created digital images.

Next, researchers spent one year tracing, with pen and paper,  every type of cell they saw. After all that effort, the team had traced all the cells in the sample, a staggeringly tiny volume of tissue.

"You/we could fit 20 of these samples across the width of a single human hair," Bartol told Live Science.

Size distribution

Next, the team counted up all the complete neurons, or brain cells, in the tissue, which totalled 450. Of that number, 287 had the complete structures the researchers were interested in.

Neurons look a bit like swollen, misshapen balloons, with long tendrils called axons and dendrites snaking out from the cell body. Axons act as the brain cell's output wire, sending out a flurry of molecules called neurotransmitters, while tiny spines on dendrites receive the chemical messages sent by the axon across a narrow gap, called the synapse. (The specific spot on the dendrite at which these chemical messages are transmitted across the synapse is called the dendrite spine.) The receiving brain cell can then fire out its own cache of neurotransmitters to relay that message to other neurons, though most often, it does nothing in response.

Past work had shown that the biggest synapses dwarf the smallest ones by a factor of 60. That size difference reflects the strength of the underlying connection — while the average neuron relays incoming signals about 20 percent of the time, that percentage can increase over time. The more a brain circuit gets a workout (that is, the more one network of neurons is activated), the higher the odds are that one neuron in that circuit will fire when another sends it a signal. The process of strengthening these neural networks seems to enlarge the physical point of contact at the synapses, increasing the amount of neurotransmitters they can release.

If neurons are essentially chattering to each other across a synapse, then a brain cell communicating across a bigger synapse has a louder voice than one communicating across a smaller synapse.

But scientists haven't understood much about how many sizes of neurons there were and how they changed in response to signals.

Sejnowski and their colleagues noticed something funny in their hippocampal slice. About 10 percent of the time, a single axon snaked out and connected to the same dendrite at two different dendrite spines. These oddball axons were sending exactly the same input to each of the spots on the dendrite, yet the sizes of the synapses, where axons "talk" to dendrites, varied by an average of 8 percent. That meant that the natural variance in how much a message between the two altered the underlying synapse was 8 percent.

So the team then asked: If synapses can differ in size by a factor of 60, and the size of a synapse varies by about 8 percent due to pure chance, how many different types of synaptic sizes could fit within that size range and be detected as different by the brain?

By combining that data with signal-detection theory, which dictates how different two signals must be before the brain can detect a difference between them, the researchers found that neurons could come in 26 different size ranges. This, in essence, revealed how many different volumes of "voices" neurons use to chatter with each other. Previously, researchers thought that these brain cells came in just a few sizes.

From there, they could calculate exactly how much information could be transmitted between any two neurons. Computers store data as bits, which can have two potential values — 0 or 1. But that binary message from a neuron (to fire or not) can produce 26 different sizes of neurons. So they used basic information theory to calculate just how many bits of data each neuron can hold.
"To convert the number 26 into units of bits we simply say 2 raised to the n power equals 26 and solve for n.  In this case n equals 4.7 bits.

That storage capacity translates to about 10 times what was previously believed, the researchers reported online in the journal e Life.

Incredibly efficient

The new findings also shed light on how the brain stores information while remaining fairly active. The fact that most neurons don't fire in response to incoming signals, but the body is highly precise in translating those signals into the physical structures, explains in part why the brain is more efficient than a computer: Most of its heavy lifters are not doing anything most of the time.

However, even if the average brain cell is inactive 80 percent of the time, that still doesn't explain why a computer requires 50 million times more energy to do the same tasks as a human brain. 

"The other part of the story might have to do with how biochemistry works compared to how electrons work in a computer. Computers are using electrons to do the calculations and electrons flowing in a wire make a lot of heat, and that heat is wasted energy,"